Revoluton Arts Welcomes Fiona Ross as New Executive Director.

Revoluton Arts is thrilled to announce the appointment of Fiona Ross as its new Executive Director, with predecessor Helen Willmott beginning a new freelance career.

Fiona brings an impressive track record of leadership with a background in senior learning and participation roles. She joins Revoluton Arts in October and will be looking to work collaboratively to deliver organisational objectives, as the charity continues its upward trajectory.

Ross’s expertise in strategic leadership, programme design, and project management spans over two decades. Fiona has been part of the leadership at renowned arts organisations, holding senior management roles at Sadler’s Wells, Rambert, the Greater London Authority (City Hall), and Dance Consortium, alongside grassroots arts providers such as Fallen Angels Dance Theatre.

Known to implement new strategies and troubleshoot issues, she is Chair of BEEE Creative – an arts charity positioned across Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. She also holds a trustee role with Protein Dance.

With Revoluton Arts on the precipice of new and exciting projects, Fiona Ross had this to say about her appointment; “Revoluton Arts bold vision and community driven programming is inspiring and I’m incredibly excited to join Lindsey and the team as Executive Director. I am passionate about community collaboration and creative exploration and look forward to bringing my skills to the organisation at this exciting time in my home area of Luton.”

Revoluton’s CEO and Creative Director, Lindsey Pugh on the appointment of Fiona as Executive Director said; “I’m delighted Fiona will be joining the team at this pivotal moment, as we build from foundations laid over the last two years – as a new independent organisation – and look forward with excitement to collaboratively deliver the vision.”